Gun Safe – Fine points on identifying the best option for your needs


As much as one needs weapons to ensure security, it is also imperative to make certain the safety of those weapons. The days of guns and rifles being loaded in a single cupboard or cabinet with relatively easy access to every member of the family is and should be behind us. Those who seek to hold weapons in their residences should understand the need to keep them safe and secure, especially from the younger generations in the family. It is also necessary to avoid possible law breakers and felons from gaining easy access to your unsecured firearms.

The best possible way to assure the security of your weapons is to purchase a variety of safes as your needs dictate. As the number of weapons you procure increases, so should the number and type of safes.

AR-15 Accessories


The categories and types of safes you need to purchase depend upon a number of factors. If you are a gun enthusiast who likes to amass weapons by its type regardless of the need, a bulky and significantly huge safe would serve the purpose. For someone who just likes to own a few weapons and requires them to be kept away from the hands of youngsters at home or if your room is fortified enough to already keep children far away, a relatively smaller gun safe should suffice. A leisurely procurement of weapons along with other collections would only warrant a small and compact safe while a directed and highly focussed acquisition will require a much larger version.


There are umpteen numbers of details to ponder over while purchasing a safe for your weapons. From the best possible spot to place the safe to the make and characteristics of the product, it is essential to analyse the details to arrive at an efficient solution that matches your need.


Before you go in for a purchase, analyse and plan out the process thoroughly. The weight and size of a safe to be purchased needs to be analysed with respect to the type of living facility you are currently in. A small house or a high rise with your unit occupying a higher floor is not the best location for a heavy and bulky safe as they might not be built to accommodate such weights. A smaller much compact safe is the perfect choice for such spaces. Similarly a much larger house need not necessarily warrant a larger safe. The type of weapons and their number should dictate the size and weight of safes in such cases.

Security Codes

The security codes and combos for safes, like any other important passwords, should be kept to oneself. It is not viable to note down the details and store it away in places with easy access to others. It is also not sensible to put away the details in banks and secure those bank details once again in the safe.

Placement Site

While it is necessary to reflect on the effect of calamities on weapons, the major issue though is larceny. The site where you place a safe with weapons is extremely crucial. It is necessary to identify a secluded place that a thief or burglar is highly unlikely to hit or at least a place that makes it reasonably hard for them to access. A safe with its hinges on the outside are relatively easier to crack than those with hinges on the inside.

Steel Gauges and Fire rating

Steel gauges of lower number are thicker and more robust than those of a higher number. It is essential to look at the heaviness of the metal before purchasing a safe as that would indicate if it is easy to pinch.   A higher fire rating ensures that perishable items like legal documents, records, cheques etc., that we store along with the weapons are kept safe.

                  Procuring a safe is quite a heavy investment. It is therefore vital to look into the various aspects of the safe and match it thoroughly with your present needs to get the best value for the money spent.